Nov 6, 2023
Forest Park is a treasure for all to enjoy, and is recognized nationwide as one of America's great parks. It, however, had its birthing pains, and would probably not have been what it is today without a few of our nation's darkest episodes, which created opportunities for its growth. Just press play to hear the whole...
Oct 30, 2023
Sometimes traditions seem like they have been around forever, but each tradition has its start. The Great Forest Park Balloon Race gathers people by the thousands each Fall, and is world famous, but it had a dubious start in 1973. Fortunately, it was championed by two pioneers who planted the seeds that grew into the...
Jun 12, 2023
Riding a bicycle is fun. We take it a bit for granted these days, but early in he history of bike riding, it was a sensation. It was also something more. It was a way for women to free themselves from the confines of the oppressive restrains of fashion. Beyond that it was a doorway to personal independence, friendships,...
Feb 24, 2023
The history of the different professional ballparks in St. Louis over the years is fascinating and dramatic. This is the story of one of the lesser know ballparks, which involves a horse racing track and fires. Just press play to hear the whole story.-----
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Feb 17, 2023
There is a mystery surrounding Castlewood State Park. Namely, what happened to a predecessor park. Details are sketchy, but it involves fruit, shares being sold, and vines being gifted by the Grand Duke of Russia. Just press play to hear the whole story. -----
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