Aug 28, 2023
When thinking about brass band music, one probably instantly
thinks about John Philip Sousa, but William Joseph Blue, a Black
Man, spent his life sharing his passion for Brass music with the
world as well, which is all well documented in his diary. Just
press play to hear the whole story. -----
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Aug 21, 2023
In the St. Louis region, the name Soulard is instantly recognized as a neighborhood where, among other things, Mardi Gras is held. Names of neighborhoods usually come from somewhere, though In this case, the neighborhood is named after a person who was a great surveyor and map maker, who helped organize the city, and...
Aug 14, 2023
There have been many great voices on the airwaves of St. Louis over the years. One of those voices was Bernie Hayes. After developing an interest in radio while serving in the military, he would find his way to St. Louis, and becoming an influential voice, and a pioneer of Black radio. Just press play to hear the...
Aug 7, 2023
When a young Black woman came to town in the 1920’s came to town to make a blues record, she accomplished that and more. Having had a successful recording career in her youth, she decided to form a record label that would keep older blues musicians recording. Just press play to hear the whole story. —— —